Canadian Citizenship Application – Get To Know The Process
Last Updated on January 19, 2023 by Hrishikesh Ambere
Canadian Citizenship Application – Get To Know The Process
To apply for Canadian citizenship, you have to meet certain eligibility criteria before you fill a citizenship application. We would suggest you to visit the official government website Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). To make it easy to understand we are providing the summary for Canadian Citizenship application process.
Canadian Citizenship Application – Eligibility criteria
In order to apply for Canadian citizenship, you must:
- Must Be a Permanent Resident (PR) and at least 18 years old to apply for Canadian citizenship. To be a permanent resident of Canada one has to be physically present in Canada for at least 3 years (1,095 days) out of five years before you apply.
You can use the Residence Calculator to find out if you have been in Canada long enough as a PR to apply for citizenship. If you have not been in Canada long enough, it will tell you when you will be eligible to apply. Keep a record of all the time you spent in or outside Canada even by adding a small day trip. - You must have filed income taxes for any three taxation years that are fully or partially within the five years preceding your citizenship application. Any income tax you may owe must be paid.
- If you are 18 to 54 years old, you have to provide proof that you know how to speak and write in one of Canada’s official languages either English or French in order to become a Canadian citizen.
You can be denied to become a Canadian citizen if you have a criminal record or facing any criminal charges in or outside Canada. If you are under a deportation order, you also cannot apply.
Canadian Citizenship – Application package
Step 1: Use the correct application package when you are applying for yourself or minor or your child. Fill out and print the citizenship application form. Once your application is filled print it. Collect all your forms and documents.
Step 2: Pay the Canadian citizenship application fee and keep your receipt.
Step 3: Mail the form and all other necessary documents that are filled out signed and dated application forms, proof of permanent residence, copies of any two pieces of identification, two signed citizenship photos and the receipt of payment to the citizenship case processing center.
Canadian Citizenship Application – Prepare for the citizenship test
Citizenship and immigration Canada will send you a notice confirming about when they receive your application for Canadian citizenship. If your application is accepted check processing time and be prepared that you have to write a citizenship test. Children under 18 years of age and persons 54 and over do not have to write the citizenship test. Typically, it’s a written test, but the citizenship officer may also ask questions orally.
You should probably brush up on your Canadian history anyway, but the government also issues a formal quiz to applicants on the history, values, institutions, and symbols of Canada. Everything you’d need to know can be found here: Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship.
If you do not pass the written test, but you meet the other criteria for citizenship, you will be scheduled for a second test. This second test will usually take place 4-8 weeks after your first test. If you do not pass the second test, IRCC will send you a notice telling you to appear for a hearing with a citizenship officer.
To pass the Canadian citizenship test sign up for our citizenship test Canada-online training program. that will help you train well for your test.
When you have met all of the requirements to become a Canadian citizen your final day comes when you attend the Canadian Citizenship Ceremony.
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Canadian Citizenship Application – Further Reading
Canadian Citizenship Test – A Complete Guide To The Test (Part 1)
Canadian Citizenship Test – A Complete Guide To The Test (Part 2)
Canadian Citizenship Test – Benefits And Advantages Of Being A Canadian
Canadian Citizenship Test – How To Get A Perfect Score On Your Test
Canadian Citizenship Test – What To Do Next If You Fail The Test